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Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out Page 16

  Section 2: The deliberations and legislations of the ALL-LIFE COUNCIL shall be binding on all tribes.

  Section 3: The ALL-LIFE COUNCIL shall be composed of one representative, democratically elected, from each tribe. Tribal representatives can be organized into regional groupings. The deliberations and votings of the ALL-LIFE COUNCIL shall utilize all available technical means for enhancing communication and coordinating information.

  Section 4: The ALL-LIFE COUNCIL shall also include representatives of every other species of life on the planet and representatives from future generations. These spokesmen for infrahuman and superhuman evolutionary forms shall be selected by the ALL-LIFE COUNCIL from among scientists who have exhibited concern for and knowledge of the needs of infrahuman and superhuman generations.

  Section 5: The ALL-LIFE COUNCIL shall coordinate and harmonize the physical and spiritual growth of each tribe and species and shall not establish any law which favors the growth of any species or tribe at the expense of others. Human beings now living who do not belong to tribes of Freemen and Free-women shall be considered and honored as belonging to a different species.

  Section 6: A founding assembly of the ALL-LIFE COUNCIL shall be convened at the call of forty-nine tribes of Freemen and Freewomen who have maintained territorial harmony under a tribal constitution for a period of one year.


  Reader—Write Your Own

  The inflexible, dogmatic teachings of our League for Spiritual Discovery (which naturally change every few weeks) hold that every human being is born divine and that the purpose of life is to rediscover your forgotten divinity.

  Specifically, to relive, to regenerate, to reenact all the classic spiritual dramas in your own seed style and to add a few flourishes of your own to the good old double-helical fleshly prayer wheel.

  Thus we suggest that anyone who takes the Divine Plan seriously will inevitably spend some time and energy attending to the ancient tasks.

  Start Your Own Religion

  (Sorry, baby, no one else can do it for you)

  Write Your Own Bible

  The Old Testament is exactly that. Old. The garbled trip diary of a goofy bunch of flipped-out visionaries. Don’t you know that God’s revelation comes to us today clearer and more directly than it did to Elijah, Abraham, Isaiah, Jeremiah? To deny this is to say that God and the DNA code haven’t been busy perfecting the means of communication, the cellular receiving sets. Everything you ever write in your life ends up as your Bible. The record of your voyage.

  Write Your Own Ten Commandments

  The ethical dilemmas you face each day are similar to but different from those of Moses. His tortured hang-ups are not exactly yours.

  Start Your Own Political System

  On earth as it is in heaven.

  The standard operating procedure for designing a life of ecstatic prayer and exultant gratitude is to write your own Declaration of Independence and constitute your own vision of the holy life.

  You declare why and how you must drop out. The DNA code does it at every moment of moist, electric fusion. We were all conceived in orgasm.

  The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution written by rebellious American colonists expressed, in 1776, some far-out notions. But there have been eight generations since then.

  Today these two powerful documents are dangerously out of date. Dead parchment. You can’t preserve Jefferson’s seed under glass in the Library of Congress.

  The Declaration and the Constitution reflect the vision of a mechanical, Newtonian clockwork universe. A static, Darwinian view of organic evolution. Survival of the fittest. Pick that cotton, black boy! A bullet in your head, Sitting Bull! The horrid assumption that the white Protestant human being is the center and measure of all things. Anthropocentric myopia. No planetary perspective.

  The obsession with property, possessions, secular power.

  Do you really want to live out the trip of bourgeois, slave-holding, puritanical Calvinists?

  A basic exercise for the Freeman and the Freewoman is to declare and constitute your own righteous way.

  On June 6, 1966 (the day on which the Sacrament LSD was declared illegal in the State of California), three young holy men in the city of St. Francis got high and declared their version of the vision: Ron Thelin, Michael Bowen, Allen Cohen.

  A Prophecy of A Declaration of Independence

  When in the flow of human events it becomes necessary for the people to cease to recognize the obsolete social patterns which have isolated man from his consciousness and to create with the youthful energies of the world revolutionary communities of harmonious relations to which the two-billion-year-old life process entitles them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind should declare the causes which impel them to this creation * We hold these experiences to be self-evident, that all is equal, that the creation endows us with certain inalienable rights, that among these are: the freedom of body, the pursuit of joy, and the expansion of consciousness * and that to secure these rights, we the citizens of the earth declare our love and compassion for all conflicting hate-carrying men and women of the world.

  We declare the identity of flesh and consciousness; all reason and law must respect and protect this holy identity.

  This chapter presents another version of the City of God, written in those last days of the empire when assassination ruled the land and when gun-collecting huntsmen, themselves beneficiaries of the sharpshooters’ aim, looked out the bulletproof windows of the executive mansions in Sacramento, California, and Montgomery, Alabama, and Washington, D.C., and denounced the gentle blacks, the graceful browns, the laughing students, the gentle longhairs.

  Reader, write your own Politics of Ecstasy.